Friday 21 May 2021

A Friday Reading Update, a New Book and Women Authors

It's a beautiful Friday and Jo and I are relaxing after an excellent lunch, roast beef sandwiches and her yummy cole slaw. It's a bit noisy right now because the Snowbirds, Canada's aeronautical demonstration team are currently doing the afternoon training performance. It's always an excellent sign of Spring in the Valley. 

This morning I finished a Sci-Fi novel by a new author for me. Thought it was fantastic. I'll provide my review and the synopsis of the next book I'm starting. I also received a book yesterday so I'll provide the synopsis of that one as well. Then I'll continue with my ongoing look at Women authors I'm enjoying.

Just Finished

1. Shadow's End by Sheri S. Tepper (1994).

"Sheri S. Tepper is a new author for me. Shadow's End is one of her standalone Sci-Fi novels, published originally in 1994. How to describe this intricate, fascinating story? Well, let's see.

(Ed. Note - apologies in advance for any misspelling of characters' names. It is Sci-Fi after all) The story for the most part is narrated by Saluez, a woman on the planet of Dinadh. She fleshes out many of the gaps in the story. The story also follows to other women; Lutha Tallstaff, sent to Dinadh along with her strange son, Leely, to try to discover more about a threat to mankind, the Ularians, who seem to be destroying human life on other planets in the Hermes sector; and Snark, a Shadow, who is sent as part of a team of Shadows to the planet of Perdur Alas, also in the Hermes sector, where the human science group have disappeared, presumably by the self-same Ularians.

Confused? Well, like so many rich, detailed Sci-Fi novels, it takes time to get into this story, the characters, the life on the various planets, everything. But as you try to understand what is going on, you find a fascinating story with characters who you will find yourself drawn to and feeling for, and with themes that strike home. Mankind ruled by the Fastigats and Firsters, has spread out into space, inhabiting planets, covering them in domes, removing all other animal life (basically creating a gene pool for later use) and establishing primacy of human life. On some planets there are still some animals. Dinadh has a form of oxen, beasts of burden and some wild life.

There are other forms of life on Dinadh, a threatening life called the Kachis, winged beings that come out at night. Women are offered as some form of sacrifice which comes clearer as the story progresses. Saluez has been scarred by them and is now one of the masked women, who lives in the shadows of her hive, with other such women. She is assigned to help Lutha and her group, find out about the Ularians. The small group undertake a journey across Dinadh to the meeting place and must attempt to survive in the open. In the meantime, a pair of assassins have been sent to remove the threat they seem to present. As well, Snark tries to survive on her planet, hiding from the 'big Rottens', observing, remembering... OK, I see. It's so difficult to describe this story, suffice it to say, you need to read it and experience it for yourself.

So many themes explored, theological (creationism), man's abuse of his environment (supremacy over any other creatures), genetic manipulation, women as subordinates (this really struck a chord with me). It was such an excellent story, getting better and better as I got deeper into it. Sci-Fi permits the creation of such wonderful worlds and allows us to look at what we're doing with our own lives and world from an external viewpoint. Well worth reading. I have two more of Tepper's books in my shelf to try. So glad I discovered her writing. (4.5 stars)"

Currently Reading

1. Three Days of the Condor by James Grady (1974). I've seen the movie before and enjoyed it very much.

"CIA operative Malcolm, code-named Condor, discovers his colleagues butchered in a blood-spattered office, he realizes that only an oversight by the assassins has saved his life. He contacts CIA headquarters for help but when an attempted rendezvous goes wrong, it quickly becomes clear that no one can be trusted. Malcolm disappears into the streets of Washington, hoping to evade the killers long enough to unravel the conspiracy— but will that be enough to save his life?"

New Books

Oddly enough, the new book is from the author whose book I completed this morning.

1. A Plague of Angels by Sheri S. Tepper (Plague of Angels #1).


"Atop a twisting,  canyon-climbing road, a witch lurks in a fortress  built strong to keep out dragons and ogres. In  another part of the countryside, a young orphan is  maturing into a beautiful woman in the enchanted  village that is her home. Somewhere nearby, a young man  is seeking adventure after running away from his  family's small farm. Suddenly a strange and  terrible prophecy sets off a chain of events that will  bring these three together in the heroic, romantic,  and thrilling tale of an age-old battle."

Women Authors I'm Enjoying - Lisa Brackmann

Lisa Brackmann is an award winning author of thrillers. She has written 3 books in her Ellie McEnroe series and 2 books in her Michelle Mason series. I've enjoyed the first book in the Ellie McEnroe series so far and look forward to getting the other books.

"Rock Paper Tiger by Lisa Brackmann is the first of 3 books featuring Ellie Cooper, a young American, an Iraqi War vet and now a woman struggling with post traumatic stress issues and pain from a war bombing, now living in China. I have to say this story grabbed me right from the get-go, drew me in and held my interest until the very end. Excellent first book.

The story starts in China. Ellie lives there, now separated from her cheating husband, Trey, struggling with her issues and surviving on her medical benefits and working part time at a bar. She is in a semi-relationship with a Chinese artist Lao Zhang, spending time with him and also sharing a flat with another Chinese computer geek, Chuckie. The story moves from events in China to her time in Iraq as an Army medic and the development of a relationship with Trey (Military Intelligence) and traumatic events she sees and in some ways participates in.

Back in China, Ellie finds herself involved in 'something'. It all revolves around an Uighur man who is staying with Lao Zhang. American security personnel are interested and also Chinese security officials follow and interrogate Ellie. The whole story is fascinating and action packed, some quite disturbing. Ellie is something of an anti-hero; suffering constant pain, finding it difficult to trust anyone and having her own dark secrets. The story moves around China as Ellie both tries to evade her 'enemies' and tries to communicate with Lao Zhang. Very interesting concept as they move also through an internet game world, using avatars to communicate.

Ellie is definitely an interesting, multi-dimensional character, a person unsure of what she must do and often just reacting to situations. Her friends are all interesting and the story and situations all just grab your attention. I don't want to ruin the story but suffice it to say that you will find it difficult to put down and will find some satisfaction with an excellent ending. (5 stars)"

The complete listing of Lisa Brackmann's  books can be found at this link. Have a great weekend. 😷

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