Saturday 21 March 2020

Saturday Update and The Science Fiction Novel - Brandon Sanderson

Saturday's Update on Life in General

Let's see, what have we been up to today so far. It's currently 12:40p.m. I woke up at 4:30 and decided to read for half an hour before I took the dogs for their morning walk. I had planned to go for my morning hour walk after they were fed but Jo was sleeping so soundly that instead I thought I'd get in a couple of hours reading before I got up. (Ed. Note - He actually spent more time sleeping than reading). At 9, I got woke up and took the dogs for a drive to Shopper's Drug Mart. Took advantage of a couple of sales to get some bacon (yes, Shopper's Drug Mart does sell food products) and butter. Also got the senior's discount for most of my items. The store wasn't all that busy but most customers respected the social distancing. The clerks were great. All in all a super experience. Then I went to the Tim Horton's Drive - thru for tea / coffee and oatmeal cookies. Not much else going on so far, another walk with the dogs and online scanning of twitter feeds etc... I may still do some yard work but I may also just laze around. We've got the patio door open and a nice cool breeze wafting in.

I haven't finished any books since yesterday but for your info, these are the books I'm currently enjoying. And I am enjoying all of them

1. Inspector Imanishi Investigates by Seicho Matsumoto (Japanese mystery)
2. The Devil You Know by Mike Carey (Felix Castor #1) (see yesterday's post)
3. Open Secret by Deryn Collier (Bern Fortin #2) (once again, see yesterday's post)
4. The Captain from Connecticut by C.S. Forester (a standalone sailing adventure set during the Revolutionary War, from American frigate Captain's perspective)
5. T is for Trespass by Sue Grafton (one of the final Kinsey Millhone mysteries... sadly)

The Science Fiction Novel - Brandon Sanderson

Brandon Sanderson
American Sci-Fi / Fantasy writer, Brandon Sanderson, would fit into the 'newbie' category from my perspective. He was born in Lincoln, Nebraska in 1978 (*sigh* Sure make me feel older). He is best known for his Mistborn series and The Stormlight Archive. He created Sanderson's Laws of Magic, including the terms hard magic and soft magic systems. I have so far purchased the first book in the Mistborn series. There are 8 books in this series.

a. The Final Empire (Mistborn #1).

"In a world where ash falls from the sky, and mist dominates the night, an evil cloaks the land and stifles all life. The future of the empire rests on the shoulders of a troublemaker and his young apprentice. Together, can they fill the world with colour once more?

In Brandon Sanderson's intriguing tale of love, loss, despair and hope, a new kind of magic enters the stage— Allomancy, a magic of the metals."

The complete listing of Sanderson's works can be found at this link... 

Now to enjoy Kingsman: The Golden Circle.

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