Wednesday 19 June 2024

It's Been a Week...


It's been a week now since our lovely puppy Bonnie left us. She'd been sick for awhile now, diabetic, blind but she had persevered for almost two years. But last week, everything just came together and Jo and I knew in our hearts that it was time for Bonnie to get some peace. We had a very quiet week since then, all of us not sure how to react. Poor little Clyde isn't sure what is going on. I'm sure he misses his friend and companion terribly.

The puppies having a fun scrap
We got Bonnie in 2013. The breeder originally named her Alice but Jo and I knew we were going to get two miniature schnauzers and thought Bonnie and Clyde would be fun. Bonnie was born in January but we didn't pick her up until we'd been to the World curling championships in Victoria. Clyde came along around a month later. They sure got along well. Bonnie made short shrift of the toy, a little giraffe, that Clyde was given when we picked him up. Her toy, oddly enough, a Happy Face emoji, has survived to this day.

Helping me water the plants
Bonnie was such a lovely dog. She had a rough time though. She almost died on us from an infection she died on us in 2019. It was just after Christmas and on New Year's Day, we found ourselves rushing down to the Veterinary Hospital in Nanaimo where Bonnie spent a week until she was on the mend and we could bring her back home. The vets there were so happy when she actually took some food from my hand, after about 3 days, as they could not get her to eat. We were so relieved. Funny thing, after this terrifying incident, Bonnie was suddenly jumping up on the sofa by herself. Before that, the crafty mare would sit there and look at us with her big eyes and get us to pick her up. So smart. LOL!

Sunny sunshine. Ahh!
Like Clyde, she did like to find herself a sunny spot. It was nice having a back yard to spread out in. 

After a trip to the groomers, time to have a nap.
Of course, both of them also liked to sprawl on the sofa. Maybe they were just watching TV, eh?

Lots of room for all of us here.
Of course, they also liked to sprawl on our laps. Clyde, to kiss Mommy's nose and Bonnie just to feel some skin.

I mentioned that the two of them liked a little scrap. They also loved some snow to run around in. This video always brings a smile to me.

You, I don't like! Grrr!
There is so much to say about Bonnie. Suffice it to say, she brought us joy, comfort and uncomfortable love. She loved everyone, well, everyone but a particular toy we bought one Christmas, a sort of Schnauzer-like door stop. For some reason, she took great umbrage to it. She would lie there and then of a sudden would attack it... trying to bite off its face. It was so funny.

Bonnie's Last Photo
Ah well. we all miss her dearly. In the end, she just got tired of her physical troubles. Her last moments were peaceful, quiet and she got many hugs from us and kisses from Clyde. 

Good-bye to our lovely dear. 

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