Monday 24 August 2020

Starting Off the Week with a Reading Update and a New Book!!

Just a quickie this afternoon as I've a bit of a headache. It's a beautiful day with a nice little breeze. We've got CSI re-runs on. I finished my 9th book of August this morning. I'll provide my review of the book. I also received a book in the mail today from a small book seller in Manitoba. I'll provide the synopsis of that as well. That'll be it for today. Next post I should get back to my look at my Favorite Authors. I hope you're enjoying that.

Just Finished

1. Feed by M.T. Anderson (YA / Sci-Fi).

"Feed by M.T. Anderson is a unique, disturbing YA Sci-Fi story. In this new future, the majority of people have 'feeds' implanted in their brains at a young age. The feed is a combination Twitter / Facebook / You Tube / Amazon., etc. The companies that own the feeds track your every movement, conversation and desire. You think you might like a pair of jeans and you'll get ads and promos for jeans. Your feeds will start fashion trends based on your thoughts. 

A group of teenagers decide to celebrate Spring Break on the moon. Titus meets Violet there. She isn't quite the same as the rest of the gang. (It turns out her feed wasn't installed until she was somewhat older. While at a party, the group and Violet are touched by a 'terrorist' who turns off their feeds. They do recover except Violet whose feed is damaged and begins to suffer physical effects. 

The story follows Titus and Violet, their interactions with each other and the rest of Titus's friends; Linc, Marty, Quendy, Loga and Calista. Their life styles are completely commercial; the world (not totally described) seems to be dying. It's a very depressing outlook but when you see the power of the internet companies and watch the current presidency, it doesn't seem all that far - fetched. 

The deterioration of Violet's body and her relationship with Titus and friends is covered in a fascinating way. The story moves along briskly and smoothly. It's a fascinating story, disturbing and even depressing but maybe should be read, I think. Well-written (4 stars)"

New Book

1. Executive Suite by Cameron Hawley (Fic). Jo and I have watched this movie many, many times on TCM. The most recent time I finally discovered that it was based on a book by Cameron Hawley, originally published in 1952. I thought it might be worth finally comparing the book to the movie.

"Fifty-six-year-old Tredway Corporation president Avery Bullard is getting into a taxi after a business lunch in Manhattan when he collapses from a cerebral hemorrhage. Although his body isn’t immediately identified, the reverberations of his death will soon be felt in the boardrooms of every branch of his company. In the minutes before he died, Bullard had finally decided on whom to appoint as his executive vice president—but he never got the chance to announce his selection. Now, with no successor in place, five corporate VPs—comptroller Loren P. Shaw, treasurer Frederick W. Alderson, design and development director Don Walling, manufacturing chief Jesse Grimm, and head of sales J. Walter Dudley—compete for the top position.

 Who will ascend to the executive suite?"

There you go folks. I said it would be a short one. More tomorrow or the next day. Enjoy your week and avoid watching the RNC Convention. I think it will be quite depressing.

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